We have received many homemade items from people related to us in the last few months (Christmas presents and such) and I have been struck at the talent and creativity possessed by so many people I am related to. For a moment I thought surely it must be in the genes. But then I realized...I'm related to them...doesn't that mean I should be talented and creative too? But alas, I am not. So either it isn't related to genes at all, or I'm unlucky and missed out on that awesome gene. Either way, I'm trying my unskilled hand at a few crafts these days. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have some photos of my own work to share, but in the mean time here are some wonderful items crafted by others.
The neat wooden table that my dad made for us. It folds up nicely for storage and is perfect for doing puzzles or crafts.
Some beautiful wall art that my sister-in-law Marci gave us for Christmas.
My mom made me a quilt for Christmas using old significant t-shirts of mine (tennis, races, concerts, girls camp, softball, etc).
Another H that Brennan's step sister Kellie made for us.
Wish me luck!
Wish me luck!
I don't know what you're talking about, you are talented! Think of those awesome crocheted animals!